Harm reduction technology that inspires, informs, and mobilizes communities
An alarming number of community members are losing their lives to drug overdose and are handling this trauma alone. We create the technology to enable communities to end these deaths, care for each other and change lives.
Naxos Neighbors works with PWUD (“People Who Use Drugs”) to build systems that educate, alert, and respond.
We may not stop all overdoses, but deaths are 100% preventable.
US overdose data for one year ending March 2024:
Lives Lost
Family Members Who Lost a Loved One
Children Who Lost a Parent
Employees Lost
How we help
Our services for community impact
Community Alerts
Community Data
Community Responders
Drug Test Results
The Naxos OD Free Mobile App
Get the information you need to use safely or care for those who use in your community. Ready to start saving lives in your community?
Request a Training
Narcan, Harm Reduction, Peer Support, and Drug Checking
We offer a variety of trainings in an effort to educate and inform communities. Let us know what you need and how we can help.
Drug checking is a form of harm reduction that involves chemically analyzing unregulated drugs or drug residue to understand what contaminants are in local drugs. Naxos Neighbors is collaborating with the University of Notre Dame to teach PWUD to use fentanyl, benzodiazepine, and xylazine test strips at home and return their used test strips for mass spec analysis. Anonymous results are returned to the user and the community at-large through the Naxos OD app.
Serving Users With Information From Testing (SuWIFT)
Drug Checking
Partner Testimonial
Velshonna Luckey, Executive Director of Self-Healing Communities of Michiana
Our Self-Healing Communities' vision is to increase protective factors throughout the region; especially one to two caring adults in every person’s life. Naxos Neighbors helps to ensure that members of our communities who are struggling with addiction know they are not forgotten and that their lives matter. We are grateful that Naxos Neighbors are active in our region and we are committed to supporting Naxos' leaders, volunteers, and partners to make sure they are taking care of themselves neurobiologically as they are committed to taking care of others.
Shared moments with our team
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